The Windstone Chronicles
Who am I? Why Winston Windstone of Course
Oh, you found another journal! They have been appearing more now that things are in motion. Pull up your chair, brew in hand, and ears up, because the stories are moving faster.
I need your help to save my world. It is on you and your friends, use the journals and find out what kind of heroes you can be.
Keep your eyes open, your sword sharp, and your ears up. There’s always a story at the Fang Rat Inn.
What story will you tell?
The stone is not poisoned, probably.
My name’s Nina- short for Impenina. I’m from somewhere you don’t want to find yourself when the sun goes down.
Nina of The Poison Stone Trading Post
Stop on by and browse a bit. I’m in the shop with the gargoyle on top, can’t miss it. Oh, why a gargoyle? Now that’s a bit of information you’ll have to pay handsomely for....hehe.
Ahem, well, anyway- I tracked old Winnie on down here in the Southern Reaches, and worked at the Fang Rat Inn until I could afford a little place of my own.
​Windstone? Everyone wants to know about Old Winnie, as I call him - ha-ha. Met him ages ago. He really helped me out of a scrap I had fallen into, er - caused with a couple hobgoblins. I was gonna pay, swear I was...
Conveniently located on the Pilgrims Trail, any manner of item or folk might show up at The Poison Stone. Now, folks from all over come here to find the rarest of items.
The Windstone Chronicles
Vol. 1 Adventure Under the Fang Rat Inn
Vol. 2 Adventure in the Secret Faerie Forest
Vol. 3 Adventure Along the White Depths
Guardians’ Saga
Minotaur: Lord of the Bonewood
Bear: Keeper of Breath
Dryad: Shepherd of the Trees
Pale Fox: Keeper of Truth
Green Dragon: Keeper of the Heart
Dream Road Saga
The Wizard’s Tower
The Butterfly Sanctuary
The Dream Walker